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Sunday January 2, 2022 | archives | submit | permalink | home

Why Python Matters for the VR Community

src, Andrew Beall, Chief Scientist, World Viz for Python Success Stories

Believe it or not, Python was first released 30 years ago and for nearly that long we’ve made it the cornerstone of our Vizard virtual reality (VR) development platform. You may also be surprised to know that VR has been around for nearly twice that long! How we came to choose Python so long ago is a story in itself, but what is remarkable is that even after so many years Python has only continued to become more and more valuable to us and our customers.

For us, Python has shaped our product development lifecycle, and we firmly believe it’s the world’s most accessible and powerful scripting language. You can’t help but embrace the rapid application development paradigm, which has enabled us to overcome challenges such as quickly building hardware drivers for a rapidly evolving VR industry. We cater to a scientifically inclined customer base, and Python’s rich community with shared libraries provides ready-built functionality that is beyond compare. As it said by others, we build in Python whenever we can and only use C++ when we must.

For our customers, Python plays a central role in their daily experience with our product. One of the core values we provide is wrapping up all the complexity of a sophisticated 3D render engine capable of low-level graphics control needed by researchers all into a friendly Python interface. The fact that Python was purposely designed to be an enjoyable language shows how quickly novice programmers across the board can begin coding projects of their own. Unlike Java and C++, Python is inherently obvious in how to do things, and that single characteristic has led our customers to feel self-empowered and confident enough to explore projects and make discoveries that they would otherwise have felt was beyond their programming expertise.

Three reasons capture why Python is so great for scientists:

1) Python is easy to learn We think this is the most important reason why Python is a great choice for scientific research. We’ve seen hundreds of researchers with no Python experience gain fluency in a matter of one or two months and successfully build virtual reality experiments. For our customers, the world of 3D graphics and real-time virtual reality environments is suddenly cracked up and ready to be used for research. It gets even more exciting when our customers see how easy Python makes it to collect data from the sensors, save it to files, and then use Python libraries like numpy and matplotlib to add a data analysis and visualization pipeline.

2) Python is easy to read Unless you’ve worked with collections of code before this point may not fully resonate but trust us when we say this is critical. We’ve heard countless claims by customers who say they are relieved to now feel that they can read, understand, and even tweak projects built by others in the lab. Alex Martelli, a Fellow at the Python Software Foundation writes that “To describe something as ‘clever’ is not considered a compliment in the Python culture. Clever programming is often unreadable by anyone except an expert. Python is meant to be easily readable and immediately useful.

3) Python has a huge scientific community It’s no joke when we say you can almost always find a useful library by googling “python” plus your target keyword. There are simply thousands of libraries available for scientific research, nearly all being open-source and freely shared amongst an amazing community. Scientists across numerous domains have adopted Python as the goto language for analysis, so it’s easy to lean on the accomplishments of others when beginning new projects. Try a similar search in other languages and you’ll see a huge difference. Or, compare the effort it takes to incorporate external libraries into Python compared to other languages and you’ll be amazed.

What about the performance penalty for using Python? We get this question sometimes and it’s usually a red herring. Sure, Python and C compiled code are in different categories and if you pick the right computing problem, you can show C/C++ to be much faster. However, time to crunch numbers or similar isn’t what most of our users care about. GPUs and CPUs are so fast today that it’s rare that Python’s efficiency is an issue. Not rare, though, is how often projects can be completed faster in Python. Identify what matters most to you and measure speed accordingly.

In conclusion, whether you’re developing code to immerse a person in a tightly controlled virtual world to study their reactions to stimuli, or you’re using machine learning to model the spread of COVID-19, you owe it to yourself to try Python. You won’t regret it.

– Andrew Beall, Chief Scientist, WorldViz

Editor note: Here’s a demo using Python.

Representing Numbers: The Complexity Behind

src, Mail by Avi Gross

Mathematics is a pristine world that is NOT the real world. It handles near-infinities fairly gracefully but many things in the real world break down because our reality is not infinitely divisible and some parts are neither contiguous nor fixed but in some sense wavy and probabilistic or worse.

So in any computer, or computer language, we have realities to deal with when someone asks for say the square root of 2 or other transcendental numbers like pi or e or things like the sin(x) as often they are numbers which in decimal require an infinite number of digits and in many cases do not repeat. Something as simple as the fractions for 1/7, in decimal, has an interesting repeating pattern but is otherwise infinite.

.142857142857142857 ... ->> 1/7
.285714285714285714 ... ->> 2/7
.428571 ...
.571428 ...
.714285 ...
.857142 ...

No matter how many bits you set aside, you cannot capture such numbers exactly IN BASE 10.

You may be able to capture some such things in another base but then yet others cannot be seen in various other bases. I suspect someone has considered a data type that stores results in arbitrary bases and delays evaluation as late as possible, but even those cannot handle many numbers.

So the reality is that most computer programming is ultimately BINARY as in BASE 2. At some level almost anything is rounded and imprecise. About all we want to guarantee is that any rounding or truncation done is as consistent as possible so every time you ask for pi or the square root of 2, you get the same result stored as bits. BUT if you ask a slightly different question, why expect the same results? sqrt(2) operates on the number 2. But sqrt(6*(1/3)) first evaluates 1/3 and stores it as bits then multiplies it by the bit representation of 6 and stores a result which then is handed to sqrt() and if the bits are not identical, there is no guarantee that the result is identical.

I will say this. Python has perhaps an improved handling of large integers. Many languages have an assortment of integer sizes you can use such as 16 bits or 32 or 64 and possibly many others including using 8 or 1bits for limited cases. But for larger numbers, there is a problem where the result overflows what can be shown in that many bits and the result either is seen as an error or worse, as a smaller number where some of the overflow bits are thrown away. Python has indefinite length integers that work fine. But if I take a real number with the same value and do a similar operation, I get what I consider a truncated result:

>>> 256**40
>>> 256.0**40

That is because Python has not chosen to implement a default floating point method that allows larger storage formats that could preserve more digits.

Could we design a more flexible storage form? I suspect we could BUT it would not solve certain problems. I mean Consider these two squarings:

>>> .123456789123456789 * .123456789123456789
>>> 123456789123456789 * 123456789123456789

Clearly a fuller answer to the first part, based on the second, is .015241578780673678515622620750190521

So one way to implement such extended functionality might be to have an object that has a storage of the decimal part of something as an extended integer variation along with storage of other parts like the exponent. SOME operations would then use the integer representation and then be converted back as needed. But such an item would not conform to existing standards and would not trivially be integrated everywhere a normal floating point is expected and thus may be truncated in many cases or have to be converted before use.

But even such an object faces a serious problem as asking for a fraction like 1/7 might lead to an infinite regress as the computer keeps lengthening the data representation indefinitely. It has to be terminated eventually and some of the examples shown where the whole does not seem to be the same when viewed several ways, would still show the anomalies some invoke.

Do note pure Mathematics is just as confusing at times. The number .99999999… where the dot-dot-dot notation means go on forever, is mathematically equivalent to the number 1 as is any infinite series that asymptotically approaches 1 as in

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... + 1/(2**N) + ...

It is not seen by many students how continually appending a 9 can ever be the same as a number like 1.00000 since every single digit is always not a match. But the mathematical theorems about limits are now well understood and in the limit as N approaches infinity, the two come to mean the same thing.

Python is a tool. More specifically, it is a changing platform that hosts many additional tools. For the moment the tools are built on bits which are both very precise but also cannot finitely represent everything. Maybe if we develop decent quantum computers and use QBITS, we might have a wider range of what can be stored and used by programs using a language that can handle the superpositions involved. But, I suspect even that kind of machine might still not handle some infinities well as I suspect our real world, quantum features and all, at some levels reduces to probabilities that at some level are not exactly the same each time.

So, what should be stressed, and often is, is to use tools available that let you compare numbers for being nearly equal. I have seen some where the size in bits of the machine storage method is used to determine if numbers are equal until within a few bits of the end of the representation. But other places should be noted such as a hill-climbing algorithm that is looking for a peak or valley, cannot be expected to converge to exactly what you want and you may settle for it getting close enough as in 0.1%, or stop if it does not improve in the last hundred iterations. The Mathematics may require a precise answer, such as a point around which the slope of a curve is zero, but the algorithm, especially when used with storage of variables limited to some precision, may not reliably be able to zero in on a much better answer so again, not a test for actual equality is needed, but one close enough to likely be good enough.

I note how unamused I was when making a small table in EXCEL (Note, not Python) of credit card numbers and balances when I saw the darn credit card numbers were too long and a number like:


was displayed by EXCEL as:


It looks like I just missed having significant stored digits and EXCEL reconstructed it by filling in a zero for the missing extra. The problem is I had to check balances sometimes and copy/paste generated the wrong number to use. I ended up storing the number as text using ‘4195032150199578 as I was not doing anything mathematical with it and this allowed me to keep all the digits as text strings can be quite long.

But does this mean EXCEL is useless (albeit some thing so) or that the tool can only be used up to some extent and beyond that, can (silently) mislead you?

Having said all that, this reminds me a bit about the Y2K issues where somehow nobody thought much about what happens when the year 2000 arrives and someone 103 years old becomes 3 again as only the final two digits of the year are stored. We now have the ability to make computers with increased speed and memory and so on and I wonder if anyone has tried to make a standard for say a 256-byte storage for multiple-precision floating point that holds lots more digits of precision as well as allowing truly huge exponents. Of course, it may not be practical to have computers that have registers and circuitry that can multiply two such numbers in a very few cycles, and it may be done in stages in thousands of cycles, so use of something big like that might not be a good default.

Frozenset Can Be Altered by |=

src, Mail by Marco Sulla

(venv_3_10) marco at buzz:~$ python
Python 3.10.0 (heads/3.10-dirty:f6e8b80d20, Nov 18 2021, 19:16:18)
[GCC 10.1.1 20200718] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = frozenset((3, 4))
>>> a
frozenset({3, 4})
>>> a |= {5,}
>>> a
frozenset({3, 4, 5})


The List of Active Core Devs

src, Finally brought to light

It was always frustrating to look out for active Python core devs. Here’s the complete list:

Abhilash Raj
Alex Gaynor
Ammar Askar
Andrew Kuchling
Andrew Svetlov
Antoine Pitrou
Barry Warsaw
Batuhan Taskaya
Benjamin Peterson
Berker Peksağ
Brandt Bucher
Brett Cannon
Brian Curtin
Brian Quinlan
Carol Willing
Cheryl Sabella
Chris Jerdonek
Chris Withers
Christian Heimes
Dino Viehland
Dong-hee Na
Éric Araujo
Eric Snow
Eric V. Smith
Ethan Furman
Facundo Batista
Fred Drake
Giampaolo Rodolà
Gregory P. Smith
Guido van Rossum
Hynek Schlawack
Inada Naoki
Irit Katriel
Ivan Levkivskyi
Jason R. Coombs
Jeremy Kloth
Jesús Cea
Joannah Nanjekye
Julien Palard
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
Ken Jin
Kushal Das
Kyle Stanley
Larry Hastings
Lisa Roach
Łukasz Langa
Lysandros Nikolaou
Marc-André Lemburg
Mark Dickinson
Mark Shannon
Nathaniel J. Smith
Ned Deily
Neil Schemenauer
Nick Coghlan
Pablo Galindo
Paul Ganssle
Paul Moore
Petr Viktorin
Raymond Hettinger
Ronald Oussoren
Senthil Kumaran
Serhiy Storchaka
Stefan Behnel
Stéphane Wirtel
Steve Dower
Tal Einat
Terry Jan Reedy
Thomas Wouters
Tim Golden
Tim Peters
Victor Stinner
Vinay Sajip
Xiang Zhang
Yury Selivanov
Zachary Ware